Commission Information

Thank you very much for your interest in commissioning work from me! The following is intended largely for individual clients intending to use my work for noncommercial or personal uses. If you're interested in using my work in a more commercial setting, please contact me via the form on the contact page. Terms and conditions for commissioned work are listed below the price guide.

Pricing Guidelines:

  • Multiple character compositions or pieces with complicated backgrounds will be priced individually. 
  • You can ask for types of art outside of these options and we can negotiate a price, assuming it's something I'm interested in and capable of doing. I'm more of an illustrator than a sequential artist, so please keep that in mind.
  • I need either a reference sheet or a few images to work from, if you're asking for character or portrait art.

General pricing guidelines are as follows, but may be adjusted based on the complexity of the piece requested.

        base sketch: 10usd
        lineart: +10usd
        color: +10usd
        cel shades: +5usd
    (10usd - 35usd)

        base sketch: 20usd
        lineart: +15usd
        color: +10usd
        cel shading: +10usd
    (20usd - 55usd)

        base sketch: 30usd
        lineart: +25usd
        color: +15usd
        cel shading: +10usd
    (30usd - 80usd) 

By commissioning me, you are agreeing to the following:

  • Pricing & Payment: 
    • Prices will be negotiated before any work starts on commissions.
    • Payment will be made in full before you are given the finished work, and for more complicated pieces I may ask for part of the payment up front.
    • You can ask for a low-res, watermarked version if you wish to verify that the work is complete before sending payment.
    • If you are not satisfied with the finished product, let me know what I can do to fix it (within reason) and I'll do what I can.
    • No refunds after work is completed.
    • If I cancel a commission requiring an up-front payment, you will get a full refund.
    • If you cancel after I have passed the sketch stages of the work, I will keep a percentage of any up-front payment.
    • Do not publicly post any partially completed work or wips I may have provided you.
    • Commissioned work can be used for any personal purpose and posted offsite, so long as my signature is not removed. Linking back to my page is not required, but appreciated for commissioned work.
    • Unless previously negotiated, commissioned or traded work is not to be sold as prints/shirts/etc, the same goes for inclusion in AI datasets. It is not allowed for use as NFTs.
    • Unless you have asked me not to, I will post the finished commission to my social media accounts with a link back to the commissioner if appropriate.